The cavalry is not coming. WE are the cavalry.

We live in unprecedented times. A poly crisis of epic proportions is unfolding as we live and breath - and unsustainable fashion consumption and production play straight into it. Things need to change - and fast.

We offer science-based advice, research and educational services and tailored consulting to those who are pushing forward, designing and implementing social change projects linked to fashion.

  • Post Growth Fashion Agency is on a mission to help fashion flourish. We work with clients who are driving meaningful transformative projects related to textiles and fashion in their cities, communities, companies.

  • We are here to help change makers drive much needed transformation - in cities, in communities, in companies.

    We work with local governments, companies, NGOs, international organizations, charities, start ups, and all the other actors who consider themselves agents of change.

  • We are not here to help fashion brands or any other organizations create a greener image for themselves or try to figure our how to comply with upcoming regulations without changing how they work. (There are plenty of other agencies for that.)

Our founder

Post Growth Fashion Agency was started by Dr. Katia Dayan Vladimirova, a proud holder of a double PhD in climate ethics and politics. With over fifteen years of research experience, Katia’s expertise in sustainable fashion consumption and social change has been featured in VOGUE, Harper’s Bazaar, Femina - and she was recently recognized as a top voice in sustainable fashion by RedBoxMe in Collaboration with Cartier.


Read our founder’s story

Our theory of change

Why should fashion change? Where should we channel our efforts and resources to make the most difference? How does social change happen? How can we transform unsustainable fashion production, consumption and disposal practices?

And last but not least - what the heck does Post Growth Fashion even mean?

Read our theory of change here